

Since 2019 Studio Legale Villani has been annually ranked among “the best law firms in Italy” in the field of “labour law and welfare” by “Il Sole 24 ore” and “Statista” following surveys carried out on client recommendations.

Studio Legale Villani has also obtained the ” 24 Ore Quality Partner” certification for professional excellence to date certified by Il Sole 24 ORE through CEPAS, a company of the BUREAU VERITAS Group.

Year 2024

Il Sole 24 ore
Gli studi legali dell’anno

Year 2024 – 2026

Il Sole 24 Ore
Certified Partner

Year 2023

Il Sole 24 ore
Gli studi legali dell’anno

Year 2022

Il Sole 24 ore
Gli studi legali dell’anno

Year 2021

Il Sole 24 ore
Gli studi legali dell’anno

Year 2020

Il Sole 24 ore
Gli studi legali dell’anno

Year 2019

Il Sole 24 ore
Gli studi legali dell’anno

Year 2010

Client Choice